Fabriano cold pressed watercolor paper test

I received a sample sheet of Fabriano Artistico Extra White 140lb cold pressed watercolor paper in the December 2016 issue of Watercolor Artist Magazine.
Typically I use Arches watercolor paper because this is what I have always used, but there’s no harm in trying something new. I use both hot and cold press techniques and I prefer the cold press for its texture.
Arches has consistent results and I know exactly how those papers will react to different techniques. By doing this watercolor painting on a new type of paper, it adds an interesting element to my art by stimulating my creativity and pushing me out of my comfort zone.
What I liked:
I think we have a winner. This project did very well overall. As it is a multi-colored, multi-textured work of fabriano sheet that combines many different painting techniques and drawing mediums, it was an example of everything working together beautifully to form this incredible piece of artistry from some truly talented people.
Despite the fact that several elements contributed to the appeal, I personally really liked the sense of cohesion and balance with all the elements acting together like expertly constructed puzzle pieces.
What I didn’t like:
When I started painting over the area that had already been marked, the pigment still bleeding just a little more than I would have liked. I was able to easily go back with a hard brush and clean up the edges so that my wash could dry evenly and so there wouldn’t be any bleed undertones on my finished work.
This paper would be ideal or:
• Any watercolor artist for general use
• Watercolorists who want a paper that has some qualities of hot and cold pressed papers
• Artists who use vanishing edge techniques
• Artists who prefer not using papers with animal-based sizing
I had the opportunity to try some of the other paper in this line, and I’ll have a lot more experience to share once I get more time with some of their extra-white sheets and roll.